How To Deal With Being Overlooked At Work

Are you always pushed to the sidelines, someone else having taken all the credit for your hard work? It’s time to make a stand. Failing to be recognized for your input can soon take a toll on your self esteem and confidence and in order to turn things around, you have to take matters into your own hands. How you’re seen in the workplace starts with how you see yourself and if you want to feel more accomplished with your career, you might want to take these things into account.

  1. Don’t Depend On Recognition


Although hearing that you’re doing a good job is always a nice thing, it shouldn’t be the only thing that pushes you to get your job done. Try to go into work accepting that you’re not going to be recognized for the jobs that you’re doing, and that’s really ok. Any time you do get congratulated will just be a bonus; if you love what you do and get positive attention, then it’s all the better for you.

  1. Be Objective About Feedback


It’s normal to want to hear positive feedback every time you complete a new project at work but in reality, it’s simply not going to happen. Instead of chasing after feedback each time you get something done, try thinking long and hard about your output before you look for recognition. Did the job you do really deserve an extra pat on the back or was it simply part of your position? If you didn’t go above and beyond what you were asked, you might not always be seen as the star of the show, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

  1. Love What You Do


If the only positive part of your job is hearing good feedback, then you might not be in the right line of work. Living for the success stories is not a realistic way to go about your job; every career comes with ups and downs. To forget about hearing praise all of the time, you need to love what you do, despite any knockbacks that come your way. If you’re happy in your career, simply doing what you love should be enough to keep you going.