3 Productive Ways To Use Your Lunch Break

Do you always struggle to find enough hours in the day to get everything done? You might just not have been looking in the right place. Nestled in the middle of your working day is an hour of opportunity that, if used in the right way, can open a huge number of doors. Being more productive is about more than doing the 9-5 and if you really want to find your way to success, you might want to start doing these things on your lunch break.

  1. Exercise
(source: pexels.com)

(source: pexels.com)

While you might view your hour off from work as a great way in which to eat some food, answer last minute emails and chat to your colleagues, you can use it to better effect by boosting your energy. Exercising for half an hour or so will really help to get the blood pumping around your body, increasing the oxygen supply to your brain and in turn, help you to focus more during the afternoon. By de-stressing in the middle of the day, you will be able to focus more sharply on any problem that comes your way; clear your body and your mind.

  1. Drink A Juice
(source: bostonmagazine.com)

(source: bostonmagazine.com)

It’s all about what you eat and depending on how you fuel your body during your lunch break, you can massively improve your productivity during the day. Whipping up a green juice before you chow down on your meal can help to kick start your internal processes and give your body a boost at the same time. Drinking foods such as spinach, carrots, celery or apples as part of your lunch can help to increase the number of antioxidants in your bloodstream and enhance your performance in the afternoon. You are what you drink.

  1. Meditate
(source: dingtwist.com)

(source: dingtwist.com)

It’s incredibly important to distance yourself from your work when you take a break, so rather than eating your lunch in front of your computer, try shutting off your mind entirely from the any stresses that have come your way. Meditating for 20 minutes can help your mind to refocus and your body to relax, making shifting back into working gear come the afternoon much more manageable. Turn off your phone, switch off any sound and plug into your own mind; it’s all about you.