Picking Up These 5 Hobbies Will Make You A Better Human

Everybody has different hobbies and passions in life. For some it is things like sports, and for others it is something like pottery or knitting. Every hobby has their place in the world and if you have a hobby that isn’t hurting anybody, by all means, enjoy it and keep doing it. However, there are definitely some hobbies out there that are beneficial for a number of different reasons if you pick them up, here are five of them.

1. Working Out

(source: telegraph.co.uk)

(source: telegraph.co.uk)

This is without a doubt one of the best things that people can do to help them in a variety of different ways. On top of the obvious benefits of becoming healthier and getting in better shape, working out is great for a number of other things as well. It can also make you a more confident person, increase your mood, decrease stress and anxiety and even be a fun time. Of the almost infinite ways you can spend your time, working out is a good one.

2. Reading

(source: julianehuang.com)

(source: julianehuang.com)

Reading is another great hobby that isn’t as popular as it used to be. With all the on demand TV and video games and other technology at our disposal, it seems as if reading has taken a back seat among most people. I think this is a bad thing and people should definitely pick up reading again. Not only is it fun and engaging, but there are a number of great books out there that can actually teach you a wide variety of things and keep your mind sharp.

3. Marketable Skills

(source: kingarthurwoodwork.com)

(source: kingarthurwoodwork.com)

There are a ton of things that people do for hobbies out there, that can actually be translated into dollars in your pockets. Now, no one is going to pay you to watch TV or drink beer, but there are a wide variety of hobbies out there that you could pick up and could be paying for themselves within months. Things like carpentry, auto repair, and other handiwork are things that people not only enjoy doing, but that also make them money in the process if they so choose.

4. Writing

(source: nothingintherulebook.com)

(source: nothingintherulebook.com)

Like reading, this hobby is sort of a lost art and not many people engage in it anymore. It is really a shame because writing can be a nice escape for anyone out of their hectic lives. Whether you are writing poetry, a short story or simply whatever comes into your mind, it can be a great way to decompress after a long day and help you relax. And if you get good enough at writing, it can easily be turned into a bit of side income if you have the time to put the work in.

5. Meditation

(source: joyofyoga.net)

(source: joyofyoga.net)

While this may seem “hokey” to some, this is a hobby that will pay off almost immediately with its wide variety of physical and mental benefits. Taking a bit of time each and every day (even if it is only a few short minutes before bed or in the morning) to meditate can change your life for the better. On the list of hobbies that takes only a few minutes of your time every day, this has to be near the top of the list in terms of ones you should consider picking up and making a part of your daily routine.