4 Ways To Mend A Broken Heart

Heartbreak is something with which we all have to deal in our lives, whether we like it or not. While we can’t control the choices that other people make, we can control how we deal with their decisions and move on into a brighter future. The mourning period of a breakup is a completely natural thing to go through but after some time, we might feel like getting back to our normal, happy selves again. Your broken heart might feel like it’s past repair but with a little time and care, anything can be patched up again.

  1. Forgive Yourself
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It’s normal when things go wrong in a relationship to feel like there was something you could have done differently or something that you could have changed in order to save things. Going back over past mistakes is a waste of your time, however, and might leave you feeling all the worse for it. In order to truly move on, you need to learn to forgive yourself for whatever you think you might have done wrong. You cannot change the past, but you can change how you view yourself in the future.

  1. Get Rid Of Guilt
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Just as blaming yourself for a broken down relationship won’t do you any favors, neither will feeling guilty for things you might have done wrong. While you can apologize for any mistakes you might have made along the way, you cannot erase them from your shared history. Say you’re sorry, by all means, but after that, try to let things go.

  1. Create Something New
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The time directly after a breakup can often be the most painful but instead of focusing on fixing something that is already broken, you can make a much better use of your time by creating something entirely new. It might seem hard at first, but finding a creative way to work through your emotions can help you massively in the long run and might also introduce you to a new skill you never knew that you had. Write, draw, run, talk or sing; the act is up to you. The most important thing is that you do it for yourself and you feel better for it

  1. Practice Self Love
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(source: pexels.com)

Before you can be fully loved by anyone else, you must first learn to love yourself. It might be easy to feel unlovable directly after a breakup but negative thoughts are a completely natural (and most likely unfounded) way to deal with rejection. Breakups shouldn’t affect the way in which you feel about yourself or, indeed, how others view you either. Sometimes, things just aren’t meant to be and that is not a reflection of either of the parties involved.