3 Ways To Curb Your Insomnia

How do you sleep at night? Dealing with the occasional sleepless night is all part and parcel of adult life but if you find that you’re constantly wide awake after hours, there might be a deeper problem. Insomnia can wreak serious havoc with your health, leaving you feeling burned out, irritable and distracted during the day. Luckily, there are a number of lifestyle changes that might help to improve your symptoms and by simply incorporating them into your routine, you can enjoy a more restful night’s sleep.

  1. Be Mindful Of Your Diet
(source: rollingonline.com)

(source: rollingonline.com)

Things as simple as what and when you eat can take a huge toll on your ability to switch off at night. If you find that you’re eating late into the night, you could be playing havoc with your body’s sleep clock, tricking your brain into thinking that it’s earlier than it really is. Similarly, eating sugar laden snacks and drinks close to your bedtime can keep you up well into the night, giving your body an energy boost that it simply doesn’t need. To keep things working like normal, try sticking to a healthy diet and cutting out the snacks after dinner. That way, your brain will be able to switch off and you will be able to get all the rest you need.

  1. Turn Off Your Electronics
(source: time.com)

(source: time.com)

With digital devices taking over so many parts of our lives, it’s hard to find an activity that is completely technology-free. Using electronic devices towards your bedtime, however, can be a very bad idea, as studies have shown that the blue lights emitted from electronics can interfere with your brain’s ability to produce melatonin. Give yourself at least an hour of technology-free time before you sleep; that way, you will fall asleep much more naturally.

  1. Relax Your Muscles
(source: blakedenman.com)

(source: blakedenman.com)

Tension is one of the most common reasons why you might be finding it difficult to switch off at night and by trying out a few activities, you can nip the problem in the bud. Progressive Muscle Relaxation involves focusing on the muscle groups around your body and tensing and relaxing each area in turn. By focusing your attention slowly around your body, you can ease yourself into a better quality of sleep and feel better rested in the morning.